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Sunday, July 10




Here is your final update: 


On our last day.  Yesterday we spent the morning doing a clothing distribution, a veggie distribution, organizing our 40 bags of donations and playing with the kids at the dreamer center!  We came home to our host families for lunch and then headed right back out for zip lining at Finca Filadelfia!  After our rec time, we headed back to the dreamer center for a tour of the new construction of Cass Jackson.  They need about $40,000 more to complete the construction of the building.   The currently are able to help about 12 malnourished and/or ill babies at a time, with a wait list of about 25 babies per week.  The new facilities will allow them to house up to 45 children from all around Antigua and Guatemala.  Keep an eye out for more information about a fundraiser and how you can help!


Today, 7 of our teens had the opportunity to spend an afternoon in Casa Jackson.


We will be arriving home to the Chestnut Hill East train station around 2:30 am on July 11th.




Hug everyone extra tight, they did great things!!







Wednesday, July 6


Good Afternoon,


 Hope you are all doing well, and staying cool in this crazy Philadelphia weather!  It's a cool 77 degrees in Guatemala. Our trip goers experienced the beauty of Guatemala, the exciting market places, and created some irreplaceable memories along the way!  Coming home from the lake is always the hardest, because it's soooo beautiful but the reward for coming back from the lake is that you get to embark on a 3 day journey of service! 


 Each trip I've been on (6 all together )  I've managed to find something that stands out to me, something that makes one just a little bit more unique than the other, and while I'm not there this year, I know that your young people had the opportunity to work in a school for special needs kids.  What an incredible experience, and one that makes me happy because for the time your kids were there, those kids had the opportunity to play, feel included, and loved. Even if it was a simple smile, a high five, or a hug, these are memories to last a life time, and will be with the trip participants forever.  


Today your young people are finishing up day 2 of their house building journey. They are probably very tired, covered in all kinds of dirt, and having a little friendly competition about whose house will be completed first. Team A, B, C, or D... any wagers?  The foundation on the first day is tough, you're digging for what feels like forever, and then you have to mix cement by hand. It's tough, back breaking labor, but 100% worth every moment.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! 


Until next time..






Sunday, July 3


Greetings Family and Friends, 


Yesterday we drove to lake, dropped out stuff at hotel, had lunch and crossed the lake.  Saw one of the oldest Mayan/Catholic churches and perused the local markets and purchased some incredible Guatemalan goods,  Came back to hotel to enjoy hot showers and went to dinner at Sunset cafe. Arriving back to the hotel post dinner we enjoyed a beautiful clear view of the stars.  This morning we did a 20 min yoga sequence and the group split up a bit to enjoy various activities around the lake. We will enjoy Panajachel until the afternoon and head back to Antigua tonight!! 






Friday, July 1


Good Evening,


 My name is Arianna, I'm on the Teenagers, Inc. board, and reaching out to you to let you know that  Grace  is having a hard time getting a signal where she is. Everyone is safe they are resting in their host family homes, and will have a full day tomorrow.  Please spread the word to the people not on this list, and you should hear from her in the morning.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.  


Have a wonderful evening




Arianna Neromiliotis

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