Teens Inc does one thing: We connect teens to the world through local and global service.
Building houses Guatemala, local sustainability projects in Costa Rica, cooking lunch at Face to Face in Germantown, hosting the Ghost Walk in Chestnut Hill, showing up, being present, solving a problem, making a difference. We are local. We are global. Getting involved is easy peasy. Make an impact immediately.
We do stuff outside, together. Travel, hike, whitewater raft, rock climb, disc golf, park clean up: all organized by teens for teens. Bringing together teens from all over the city and burbs to have fun in the world.
The Inc Spot is our creative space. Your creative space. Like a coffeeshop, makerspace and rec center became besties. Here you can host a party, get your hands and mind working on a project, or hang out.
Music, art, snacks, meeting, playing, chilling.
Gratitude, Citizenship, Perspective
Positivity, empowerment, mindfulness, socially responsibility, leading through service, lifting someone up, our teens have a positive impact on other teens, on our community and on our planet.
Our space is your space. This space was made for you to make something...happen, appear, good, different, yours. Find your thang and do it. Do you and make the world a better place at the same time.
Global service is HUGE for us. We go abroad to see the world differently. For ten years we have been building homes in Guatemala, working at elementary schools in Costa Rica, focusing on sustainability projects, supporting amazing organizations on the ground, working with people and for people. This year we met and donated clothes toys and more to the volcano victims in Guatemala. We connect to the world through giving.
We welcome ALL TEENS!
Working with Face to Face and those in need of dignity and a good meal, teaching and learning Spanish and/or English, digging your hands in the dirt, or creating your own giveback through leadership and mentor programs, Teens Inc has your lane. This brief form guides and glides you into community service and volunteering at it most fun and rewarding.