Teens Inc Leadership Team: Our Stories

Russ Ahna
Mt Airy
Torture lies beneath this skin.
The laurel wreath is growing thin.
We are throwing down the lustrous crowns
Because within us we feel it bound.
Bound by paper, green in its color;
Bound by staying bonded with each other;
Bound by wolves that call our names
To choose to be wild or make ourselves tame.
Pull them up and stretch them out;
These whispered words made loud as shouts.
Don't be mistaken, we'll make our marks;
Our voices carving, they'll break your heart.
But if these walls fell on themselves
I'd still have nothing else to tell;
Tears falling now, And to the ground,
Where flowers grow until feet come pound;
Where flowers grow; feet crush and compound.
Mortar and pestle ground down the life:
It ripped down the joy and put up the strife.
It pulls out the strings of piano, guitar;
Stripped down the dreams; tore down the stars
Rusty places, random faces, just lips moving never staying
Whipped and beaten Stripped mistreated Keep obeying Never swaying
Courage fading
Life awaiting
People praying
War is razing
Fight to your last breath
And don't let it go.
Hold it tight;
Be solid as stone.
We fight with our smiles
We fight with our words
We fight with these styles
This benevolent couture
Skaters Painters Waiters
No haters Players Gamers Strayers
from Feigners
Believers and Trailblazers
Creators and groundbreakers
And we are the future because we are the fray
And We make the sun shine brighter for the next day.
We move the mountains and we turn the tides.
We the Worn Youth will give our all for all of our lives.
Worn Youth by Russ-Ahna Davenport
Newsworthy, Opinions, Poetry, Editorials (NOPE).
Teen words, right here, in your eye balls @ Teens Ink.

Karmen, 18
at least once a day
a thought of you plants itself in my mind
a small, tiny seed
making the curves and indents and niches in my head
its new home
it cultivates
consumes me
the more i entertain this thought,
the more i breathe life into it
in a matter of seconds
this little thought
this little seed
has manifested
into a grandiose tree
of hope
a majestic, monumental tree
with budding flowers
of all the colors i saw in your eyes
adorning each branch,
each leaf
beautiful, thick vines
of every word you said
coiling up on eachother
and reaching out to me
wrapping around me
and coaxing me into this tree of hope
awe erupts within me
shining through every pore
and my eyes lay upon every single
that has flourished so beautifully
and eradicated any other thought i'd had running through my mind
just as quickly it comes,
reason and doubt taint my mind
the purity and clarity that had been flashing like a flood in me
become darkened by the depths of
Reason and Doubt
grab ahold of
hideous axes
monstrous chainsaws
and this extravagant, grand tree
this thought of you
is mauled,
the life being destroyed
with every smack against the trunk
with every second the chainsaw demolishes the wood
i watch
as the thought of you
the thought that brought me happiness
is destroyed,
completely and utterly
Karmen attends New Foundations Charter School in the Northeast. She just hosted Teens Inc first gallery show and sold four pieces. It was a huge success. She is a writer and has a face painting business for your next event. She is a teen on the move. She submitted Severed as our first installment of Teens Ink.

Kiana, 19